
The Symposium Metropoles du Sud 2016 took place on the 15th and 16th of January 2016 at the CRDP of Montpellier. This event aimed to talk about the meaning of cities, their methods of registration in the existing built and landscape territories and their future through the lectures of Mads Birgens Kristensen, architect at the danish office COBE, Anne Démians, architect and founder of the office Architectures Anne Démians and the roman architect Mosè Ricci partner at Riccispaini office.

The Symposium took place during two days; during the first day KAAU members were invited to discuss the vision of new ways of thinking, designing, and developing the urban planning profession. Share a vision from academic, professional and research points of view that was the challenge of this round-table called ADVANCED URBANISM – Vision and Challenge.

Download: D4.1 > report ENSAM Symposium 1

On January 15th-16th 2016,  took place the Symposium MÉTROPOLES DU SUD at Montpellier.  Check presentations of KAAU partners

  1.  InAtlas

  2.  IAAC

  3. USP

  4. UNIGE

  5. ENSAM

Resources shared:

Smarter Engagement

Smarter Engagement

Great places come from understanding and responding to the needs of their people. Traditional consultation can…

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Smart Lighting

Smart Lighting

Streetlights are a vital part of every city, providing citizens and business with safety and…

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Route Planner And Real Time Information Systems

Route planner and real time information systems

An example of real time information is Glasgow's Active Travel Demonstrator. App that aims to…

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Digital Cultural Installations

Digital cultural installations

An example of a digital cultural installation is the Hello Lamp Post,  an experimental, city-wide…

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Mapping (real Time)

Mapping (real time)

An example of mapping (real time) is the London City Dashboard on microclimate – air quality, temperature…

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Space Syntax

Space Syntax

The network of public spaces in central London between Trafalgar Square and Parliament Square is…

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App To Map Happiness

App to map happiness

It's part of a research project at the London School of Economics. Mappiness maps happiness…

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What did we talk about in the round table?

How can we describe an Advanced city, what kind of adjectives are related to this condition?

Connection and fostering of public (people’s) spacesInformationalMultiscalarComputationalEasy spread knowledgeSpatial Justice….

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Do advanced cities need a vision and projection?

Advanced cities need a strategy to be the inspiration of the future but urban planning…

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Is an Advanced City about optimised data or subjective (humanised) data?

Cities are not smart; it depends on how tech is used by citizens. Tech use…

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Does a smart city is equal to a rich city?

Smart cities don’t only benefit the rich but also the poor- open data, open education,…

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Does technology can help the city to reinvent itself?

Cities are complex systems; tech can help but is not the cure.Investment in prototypes as…

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How could we preserve spontaneity in discovering the city, if cities are constantly observed and completely mapped?

Turn off tech devices and enjoy serendipity. Turn on tech devices to be guided. Tech…

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