We understand “Advanced Urbanism” as the sensitive integration of ICT in cities. “Advanced Urbanism” is about merging technology and culture, focusing on planning processes –instead of just designing concrete artefacts, and engaging citizens, business and government into sustainable urbanism. “Advanced Urbanism” has a transdisciplinary nature. It requires changing traditional design and planning practices towards more open and collaborative practices.
KA-AU in UrbanNext
Check KA-AU section in UrbanNext , an online platform fed by an extensive network of international…
KA-AU SENcity – Festival des Architectures Vives (FAV) 2018
The FAV2018 was an opportunity to share with the general public KA-AU project and its…
KA-AU Presentation at the European Week of Cities & Regions
This video was presented on October 11th at the European Week of Cities & Regions.
Latest Resources
Can we define a new transversal approach to the city?
Looking for adaptive cities UN-habitat promotes socially and environmentally sustainable cities with the goal of providing adequate…
Can the city think? How to design for resilience?
How to design for the responsive city? Today we have the knowledge and means to realize…
How can we establish the common city?
Barcelona requires us to fight against inequalities. Ecology and the challenge against climate change are the elements…
Is the gaming approach a possible tool for citizen inclusion?
Gaming platforms as tools for town planning in the real world Colossal Order is a nineteen-people…
What are we talking about when it gets to technology?
Entering the inners of technology What are we really talking about when it gets to technologies?…
Is the idea of self sufficiency compulsive?
The rise of closed worlds We live in offices. We spend our life in atmospherically sealed…
Latest Teacher Support
How to build an educational program on “Advanced Urbanism”?
We understand Advanced Urbanism as the sensitive integration of technology in city. Advanced Urbanism is about merging technologies,…
How to learn “Advanced Urban Development” according to Santa & Cole
We at Santa & Cole design and edit urban furniture, elements and lighting fixtures for…
How to learn “Advanced Urbanism”?
New, innovative approaches to learn urban planning & design Check presentation presented at Responsive Cities Symposium…
How may we enable a more cross- inter transdisciplinary urban education?
This report presents innovative, critical and inter- trans-disciplinary pedagogies on Advanced Urbanism education that engage…
Teaching with case studies
A survey of faculty and students at Harvard Business school found that what engages students…
The role of the case study method in training for urban and regional planning
The case study method of instruction is a teaching method which uses discussion of a case…