MAPPING/MANAGING Behind a city map
What is the smart city concept? We use technology, we want to improve quality of life and optimize resources and preventing the environmental in general all we have in our territory.
We have different platforms of internet of things, we are going to connect our home, our environment, our car, ourselves and then we are having the communication of everything, we will having in 2020 trillions and billions of things connected. This is our new context where we are, living that is what we have, the opportunity we have from the technology.
We have a “data tsunami” in this context, we have smartphones, social network and sensor networks, we are a sort of sensor moving and be tracked in the world; we have a lot of new applications in every kind of field to be discovered and we have new policies and methodologies like open data.
We have the owner of data that gives data to the community for free, in order to have an open science, to use these datas to create new services. That is something new in these last years. And we have new technologies and new way which we can use these data: we can use the GIS technology where every information is a sort of layer that we can explore in different ways. The data is not only something that I have somewhere in my database, but is something related to the position, so I can create new services to manage geographically what we do normally, where real world is just one layer and other things and all data are in other layers on our multidimensional world.
And now, in this context, we use internet of things, connections, open data and sensors networks to contribute in solving a particular problem.
We started in 2012 a project called “smart rainfall system” with the University of Genoa, with the DITEN Department and we created a spin off that the university called ARTYS that works on developing the “smart rainfall system”. Today is not more a project but it is a solution that we have implemented in the real world. We deal with a global problem of floods, that is a problem we lived: in 2011 here in Genoa, the flood, and re-lived in 2014. We had a big problem but as we normally do in this smart approach relisiligent approach we want to take problems and convert them in opportunities to react and to adapt our context to improve our quality of life.
And then we asked us a question: what can be one of the solution we can put on this context on this field?
The specific problem was the detection and measurement in real time of the cloudburst; where rain is today different compared what we had before, it is very localize and intense and they are really not easy to track with the technologies used until yesterday. We started asking us if is possible to find a new technology able to detect and measure the cloudburst in real time. When we have heavy rain we have problems in seeing satellite television: we started to analyze the satellite signal and find out if this signal that is already present where broadcast, everywhere and we can use it everywhere in the world to solve the global problem; we can use it to find out where cloudbursts are located and how they are intense and then we developed “smart rainfall system”, a system that when it rains it analyze the satellite tv signal and produce high define rainfall map in order to know the context to take better decisions. We also integrated our other sensors; we try to use everything we have to create a better solution, a cooperative approach also in term of cooperation between different sensors and we used open data we use the hydrography, district borders and all the useful information risk management that we find open and free online, these is some information given by a council of Ligurian region.
The targets are all the territory. All the territory is concerned and using all the opportunities given by the technology.
We can also easily customize the information and then the services to the specific needs of the specific target and that is an other important opportunity. Just to create some platforms that we can create in a basic form and then customize it using layers and different interpretations and analysis of data.
These informations also can be shared with the city. The informations will be shared by the municipality with the civil protection and these informations paid for just an operative question or private issue can be also reused for the public safety.
Darts Engineering develops Advanced Real-Time Systems, providing to customers ICT consultancy services, software development, system integration, customized solutions, and bookshelf services and technologies. Darts constantly invests in industrial R&D and experimental development activities in different fields. Since 2010, Darts strongly focused its R&D&I activities in two themes, core of the KAAU project: environmental monitoring and resilience of the territory, and valorisation of cultural heritage.
Degree in TelecommunicationsEngineeringat the University of Genoa and the specializedParisian Grande EcoleTélécomParisTech. Since 2007, he isdedicated to R & D activitiesat the DLR (GermanAerospace Center, Monaco – Germany) and Thales Alenia Space (Cannes – France). In parallel to the studies, he carried out management activitiesas part of some innovative projects in Paris. He isone of the fathers of the Italian-French projectO?ováAlpMedNet, targeted to the creation and animation of a public-private ecosystem for the promotion of innovation. he coordinates the ItaliangroupAlumniAssociationTélécomParisTech and serves on the board of the consortium of the Hi-Tech Ligurian companies SIIT-PMI and Polo LigurianInnovation TRANSIT. he is Business Development Manager of Darts (consultingSMEs in ICT) and Co-Founder – Director of Marketing Artys, startup thatoperates in the environmentalmonitoring. He follows and supports the development of severalemerging business projects.