Hicat Research Territiories by Gausa, Guallart, Muller
HiperCatalunya analyzes every component of a territory, using Catalonia as a case study but saying as much or more about the entire world. Part one of this dynamically-designed two-volume set (which holds together magnetically) takes a statistical approach to territorial research. Bursting with inventive charts and graphics, it makes use of statistics on population, climate, gross national product, surface area, flora and fauna, economic fluctuation, airplane flights in vs. flights out, transportation infrastructure, construction, energy resources, energy consumption, student migration, libraries per capita, etc., to compare the facts of Catalonia to those of territories around the world, from Djakarta to Chicago to Finland. Variables are cross-referenced with others to form suggestive connections between, for instance, education and cultural consumption. Part two takes an architectural and urban planning tack, inviting a world of innovative designers to propose projects and strategies, specifically for application in Catalonia, but with obvious relevance to anywhere and everywhere. Participants include Actar Arquitectura, FOA, Xaveer de Geyter, Abalos & Herreros, MVRDV, NL Architects, NO.mad Arquitectura, Javier Peia, Roche & Sie…, UN Studio, and West 8, among others. Proposed scenarios consider such issues as senior tourism, sport cities, university campuses, industrial parks, airports, and suburbia.
– GAUSA, Manuel, GUALLART, Vicente, MULLER, Willy,: Hicat Research Territiories (Edición en inglés) Actar, Generalitat de Catalunya, GENCAT, Barcelona 2003 ISBN-10: 8495951401