

El projecte atNight s'interroga sobre la configuració de la imatge nocturna. Quins són els elements que defineixen el paisatge nocturn? Quins són els valors d'un paisatge que es percep des del fragment? Quina relació hi ha entre la ciutat que…

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Summer School: Genova

Summer School: Genova

The KSW - KAAU Summer Workshop is part of the requirements of KAAU, a relational platform between universities (research units) and business realities (dynamic companies), derived from the Erasmus Knowledge Alliances program, which aims to encourage the exchange, training and the interactions between urban planning, sustainable development…

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Summer School 2: Montpellier

Summer School 2: Montpellier

The increasing availability of data creates new opportunities not only for monitoring and management, but also for changing the way we describe, understand and design cities, challenging many fundamental assumptions of city design and planning professions

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The increasing availability of data creates new opportunities not only for the monitoring and management of cities, but also for changing the way we describe, understand and design them, challenging many fundamental assumptions of urban design and planning professions.

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WSHOP: MET.NET3 / Resilience

WSHOP: MET.NET3 / Resilience

In this framework the Blitz-Workshop Proactive Resili(g)ence, open to different  participants, wanted to be an occasion of share concepts and ideas about the notions of  Advanced Urbanism and Resili(g)ence: a collective brainstorming between scholar units, firms, experts and students, understood as a first kick-off to…

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