Areti Markopoulou – Responsive Cities 2016

Can the city think? How to design for resilience? How to design for the responsive city? Today we have the knowledge and means to realize whatever we imagine, witnessing advancements in production technology not only in the architecture field but, in biology, ecology, virtual…

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Maíta Fernández – Responsive Cities 2016

Can we define a new transversal approach to the city? Looking for adaptive cities UN-habitat promotes socially and environmentally sustainable cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. Population is growing exponentially every year and city are the centres of massively production…

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Manuel Gausa – Responsive Cities 2016

Can we anticipate, adapt, integrate and operate cities? The greatest revolution of information Interact and interactive information in between people, space, complexities is the big revolution of our era and this new knowledge of thinking. The last few decades have confirmed the consequences of…

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Ethel Baraona – Responsive CIties 2016

How do we re-learn our urban environment? Adhocracy in contemporary city Adhocracy is the system of flexible and informal organization and management in place of rigid bureaucracy. The first edition of adhocracy was based on the use of digital tools. In 2012 for Istanbul…

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Mar Santamaria – Responsive Cities 2016

How can data help us in representing city’s methabolism? City’s call for new representation 300000kms is a group of architect and planning based in Barcelona defining the new approaches to the city as a multiple scale system, from neighbourhoods to the larger dimension,…

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Smarter Engagement

Smarter Engagement

Great places come from understanding and responding to the needs of their people. Traditional consultation can be manual, time intensive and a one-off snapshot. Commonplace tools aim to provide an ongoing channel of understanding and collaboration. Customers use Commonplace to reveal…

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