SYM: MED.NET3/Resilience

SYM: MED.NET3/Resilience

In the framework of the ADD (Dottorato in Architettura e Design) and the Forum Med.Net activities, the first edition of the KAAU Symposium Resili(g)ence, chaired by Manuel Gausa, with Carmen Andriani and RaffaelaFagnoni, and coordinated by Nicola Canessa, Beatrice Moretti,…

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SYM: Responsive Cities

SYM: Responsive Cities

The first edition of the Responsive Cities Symposium, chaired by Areti Markopoulou, with program chairs Chiara Farinea and Mathilde Marengo, has just closed its doors establishing itself as a major event in the architectural debate.

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SYM: Métropoles Du Sud 2017

SYM: Métropoles du Sud 2017

The Symposium Metropoles du Sud 2017 took place on the 20th and 21rst of January 2017 at the School of Architecture of Montpellier and at the Botanical Institute. Students and pedagogic team of the study field Métropoles du Sud of…

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