Multiramblas by Bianchini, Falcon, Gausa
Multiramblas, 6TS Barcelona is a research produced by a “Intelligent Coast” for DHUB – Design Hub of Barcelona, Institute of Culture of City of Barcelona.
The research aims to re-think, first, the role of Las Ramblas in Barcelona as “trademark” of space and of urban tourism in the city. The analysis of Las Ramblas as a great public space, a paradigm of Mediterranean travel, the crossroads of streams, events – and of interests – locals and globals and focal point between the central city and the sea, enabling, the same time, to create a reading of second level with the new role of public space in the contemporary city, as a system on “network” of relations and articulation.
– GAUSA, Manuel, BANCHINI, Silvia, FALCÓN, Luis: Libro Multirambles – BCN 6T Ed. List, Roma-Trento, 2011. ISBN 978-88-956-2339-9 D.L.: B 44160-201